Quotes From "The Book Of Broken Hearts" By Sarah Ockler

Family tragedies had a way of smashing everything apart and then gluing it all back together. The problem was no one ever knew how long the glue would hold. Sarah Ockler
But I knew he wouldn't kiss me. Not tonight. Not like this. There was too much between us now, all the words and near misses. All the potential, the alternate futures that would stretch out before us in an unending spiral, all built on what happened in this moment. I held his fiery gaze and remembered the five-oh, the half-and-half, the promises I'd whispered to myself in the dawn light. I might lose all my memories one day, but that wouldn't keep me from making them. . Sarah Ockler
You ask me why I’m nice to you, ” he said. “Why, why, why. But you don’t ask me stuff that matters. Who I am or where I been. What I see when I look at you. What I want. Sarah Ockler
They say you can never step into the same river twice. And maybe that's how it was for Papi now, memories shifting and re-forming soundlessly beneath him while the rest of us sat on the shore and watched. Sarah Ockler
Through pictures, we cut reality in pieces. We selected only the choicest moments, discarding the rest as if they'd never happened. Sarah Ockler
There was no going back to the way things were, because all you ever got was the way things are. Sarah Ockler
It seemed everything that had ever lived and died in this world had passed through here, had left its indelible imprint. Sarah Ockler
For all its ridiculous imperfections, life is pretty damn perfect sometimes. Sarah Ockler